Anti-Money Laundering Compliance (AML)

Through the various scandals of the past, and through the recent changes made by the European Union (Third EU AML Directive) to the threat of money laundering and terrorist financing, the need for better protection has increased for the integrity of financial markets.
This seminar will give you a good understanding of the main dangers of money laundering and terrorist financing, as you will learn the theoretical and practical topics that will help everyone in their day to day operations.

Who is this course for
Back-office Staff, Compliance Staff, Risk Management Staff, AML Staff
Heads of Compliance Departments, Heads of Risk Management Departments, Heads of AML Departments
Accountants, Lawyers, Other Professional Advisors
Internal Auditors, External Auditors
Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors

Some areas that will
be covered during the seminar:
Introduction to the basic principles of AML (Anti-money laundering) legislation
The laws and regulations for the prevention and suppression of money laundering and the recent changes to the existing regulatory framework
Understanding of the key changes that the AML-Directive5 will bring
Evaluating risks associated with money laundering
Actions (measures and procedures) for the prevention and suppression of money laundering

Materials/Sources to be used:
All the necessary notes/material
Direct communication with the instructor
Test your knowledge questions
Practical and theoretical questions
Certificate of completion