Internal and External Inspector ISO 9001 "Quality Management Systems"

Complying with international standards for management systems helps organizations improve their performance. How does this happen? It essentially identifies the repetitive steps that they must consciously take to achieve the goals and improve their performance. It also creates an organizational culture that includes a continuous cycle of self-evaluation and correction of functions through increased employee awareness and management leadership.
Controls of compliance with management standards ( internal and external inspections) are a vital part of the above management systems approach. Why; Because they allow the company or organization to check to what extent its performance meets the specified requirements.
What we certify?
The external auditors ISO 9001 certified by ACTA to be able as:
• Carry out inspections in a systematic and impartial manner
• Communicate orally and in writing with staff at all levels of the inspected organization
• Plan to organize and implement the management systems inspections assigned to them
• Evaluate the effectiveness of management systems with objective criteria
• Accurately report the inspection findings and record them clearly in the audit report
• Correctly categorize inspection findings according to their severity
• Have knowledge of the standards they inspect and the inspection techniques
The internal auditors ISO 9001 certified by ACTA to be able as:
• Be aware of the functions of the inspected business sectors and the applicable standards
• Be familiar with the methodology and inspection techniques
• To plan and carry out the internal compliance inspections of the management systems applied in the respective organizations
• To record any deviations and check the correctness of the corrective actions

Who is this course for
A. For those who have general education:
For internal inspectors: graduates of at least secondary education
For external inspectors: graduates of at least higher education
Selection with emphasis on professional experience:
For internal inspectors: 2 years of total professional employment of which 1 year in a position relevant to the certification application (eg Managing Director, Management Systems Consultant, Internal Inspector, First, Second or Third Party Inspector) & 16 hours of in-house training based on the ISO 19011 standard and the management standard concerning the certification of the candidate
For external inspectors: 4 years of total professional experience of which 2 in positions of active participation in certification procedures related to the certification application (eg Manager or management systems consultant or internal inspector, first, second or third party inspector) & 40 training for management systems inspectors based on ISO 19011, ISO 17021 standards and the management standard for candidate certification
Selection with weight in vocational education:
For internal inspectors: 1 year of full-time employment in a position relevant to the certification application (eg Managing Director, Management Systems Consultant, Internal Inspector, First, Second or Third Party Inspector) & 50 hours of training in the certification fields
For external inspectors: 2 years of total professional experience, one of which in positions of active participation in certification procedures related to the certification application (eg manager or management systems consultant or internal inspector, first, second or third party inspector) & 100 training in the fields of the certification application

Course Details:
The Course comprises the following sections:
Concepts - Definitions
ELOT EN ISO 9001: 2015 standard
Organization Operation Framework
Performance Evaluation
ISO 19011 Standard - Inspection
ISO 19011 Standard - Inspectors
ISO 17021 standard
ISO 17021-3 standard
For those who want to be certified on the field:
In our offices we offer the actual examinations for the certification of Internal Auditor which is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System E.SY.D. and it is thereby recognized throughout Europe.